
In September 2005, myself and a group of friends gathered together to wish bon voyage to a good friend of ours, who was about to set out on a trip to South America that she had been planning for about two years.  We wished her well and hugged her and wrote in a book of poems that she was to take with her.  She kept in touch with through a live journal telling us of her adventures.  In January 2006, she went missing in Equador,  Police were informed and funds were raised so that her husband and son could go out there to see what they could do.  They spent 11 months in Equador searching.  Finally someone was charged with kidnap and robbery.  Our friend was never found.  Last Wednesday would have been her 52nd birthday, her family held a private  humanist service for her and on Friday night, family and many many friends gathered together to celebrate her life.  it was an amazing evening led by a humanist minister, her son who is an accomplished singer song writer, sang the song she wanted at her funeral, “May you never” by John Martyn, food and drink was shared, photographs were put on to a memory tree and with the help of a wonderful cajun band, The Boat Band, we learnt how to do cajun dancing.  As her husband said, we were not there to weep and be miserable, but to laugh and smile and celebrate her life.   It was the end of a very long 18 months that we had so hoped would not end as it did.  It has taken me three attempts to write this.  I can not bear to think that she has gone, I miss her so much.


Photograph on the memory tree.

Love you Jenny.

Jenny wrote in her live journal of her travels and adventures, it is a wonderful read and a lasting tribute to her.

You have to scroll back down to get to the beginning.

11 responses to “Jenny

  1. Even though I did not know her reading this makes me sad. I cannot imagine the agony of the not knowing and no real closure for her family and friends. I think it was a wonderful tribute to her to have it be a celebration of her life that way…AND to have her live journal to read her own words.
    I know it is very hard to accept the reality, my heart is with you.

  2. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope her family and friends found comfort in the memorial service and in the memories they shared.
    God bless.

  3. Hello Joy,

    I hope that the service you shared with her family and dear friends brought some degree of comfort to you. Your words express the sense of loss that you have felt and the wonderful memories you have of your beloved Jenny. Sending loving support across the miles.

    Marie x

  4. What a beautiful thing to do, and perfect choice of song in ‘May you never’.
    I have no wise words to say, but I am sending one of those reassuring side hugs through my broadband to you.

  5. What a lovely way to celebrate your friend’s memory. The story is heartbreaking but the way you have all come together to toast this friend is heartwarming Hugs and hugs and hugs to you.

  6. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend Joy, but what a wonderful way to celebrate her life. In answer to your question on my blog – yes you are in the top 3 so get ready to Pass it forward!

  7. This sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate Jenny’s life. I read her blog when she first went missing and it was obvious how much energy and enthusiasm she had for life.

    Her disappearance upset me and I never knew her. I’ve often thought of her family and friends over the past months thinking about how hard it must be and wishing I could do something for them.
    I didn’t realise you knew her, and I can’t do anything except send you a cyber hug up the hill.
    X X X

  8. What a beautiful strong spirit…she will be so missed by those she touched. – Wendy

  9. I don’t even want to begin imagining what this must have been like – for her, her family and not least for you. Like Celeste, I can only offer you a cyber hug, and the big lump that has risen in my throat as I read this.

  10. I am so very very sorry for your loss on so many levels — the loss of your Jenny. (I am a Jenny too) This is such a wonderful, energetic tribute to your friend’s life… I can not begin to imagine each horrific step you have all taken since Jenny’s disappearance. How inexplicable a loss…

    Across the miles, Big Hugs,

  11. I’ve just read the last entry in Jen’s diary and the comments, I felt cold when I read the police man’s entry and her husbands valentine message.

    Life is short, I guess Jen played hard … god bless her and her family and friends.

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